Phoenix Connectors

DLI builds the popular IoT
Relay and the DIN Relay 4, as well as several
types of Ethernet controlled
power relays.
The IoT Relay and the DIN Relay 4 use a 2-pin Phoenix connector for trigger and power inputs respectively. The supplied mating connector is Digikey PN 277-1011-ND Find the drawing here.
The DIN4 Relay uses eight 3-pin Phoenix pluggable connectors, one for each relay. The spacing between conductors is 5.08mm. The supplied mating connector is Digikey PN 277-1151. Find the drawing here. Other styles and brands with 5.08mm spacing are compatible.
Recommended terminal torques are:
Feel free to order from Digikey, or call support at (408) 330-5599 if you just need one or two replacements. We'll help you out.
For wiring and usage examples on the IoT relay, visit this page. For information on wire types and guages, check here.
Relay Construction, Wiring and Use
Thanks to Nexem for this useful guide to relay selection, wiring, and applications. If you only read one app note, make it this one.
Panasonic also offers an excellent relay application guide.
Here is an automotive / low voltage style applications guide with examples of connecting motors, heaters, lamps, etc.
If you plan to switch high currents, have a glance at this article on
relay contact
To support your project, we carry a few DIN accessories like the JQX-38 contactor here. You can also find a wide range of relays and contactors at digikey.